Project No. 4:- New Build purpose-made Factory Building, Coldnose Road, Hereford

This project relates to a client's instruction to provide a “Full Design and Implementation” package to provide them with a new purpose made steel framed/profile metal clad industrial factory building on a site they had purchased within the newly established “Enterprise Zone” in Hereford.

The client's design brief was for me to design a new single factory building which would contain three separate industrial units. One unit was to contain a client's existing light engineering company and the other two units to house tenants for a number of various Class B1, B2 and B8 Business uses.

The "full design and implementation” package commenced with my designs for the external facades, structural steel frame components and internal layouts and sub division between the three separate units for the proposed new industrial building.

Following acceptance by the client of my scheme design proposals my professional services extended to preparing and submitting and the subsequent obtaining of both planning consent and building regulation approvals.

Whilst the due process to obtain planning consent within the Enterprise Zone varies from that of the normal planning application process this office completed and obtained both planning consent and Building Regulation Approvals for the client's scheme proposal completely “In House”.

Client's instructions extended to those as required to agree and obtain all aspects relating to agreed sustainability requirements similar to National Code of Sustainability requirements for new buildings with that involving Hereford Enterprise Zone requirements controlled and administered by an external company of consultants.

Whilst this client appointed and administered the various contractors and sub contractors themselves A.W. Morris did provide this client with both professional and technical support throughout the on-site construction works programme regarding various aspects of the physical construction works.

As with similar projects A.W. Morris Chartered Building Surveyor has undertaken inspection of various aspects of the on-site works in progress from the commence of the project which will continue up to the new build factories practical completion.

These periodic site inspections of the ongoing on-site works are intended to ensure the building, once completed, will be fully compliant to the client's design brief, planning consent and building regulation approvals awarded to the scheme proposal and is being constructed to the required standards of good building practice for factory buildings of this type of construction.

Once the building has been completed a “Client's File” will be completed and handed to the client which will contain all relevant documents, certification and drawings 

At practical completion an insurance backed professional consultants completion certificate to cover the building will be issued to the client by A.W. Morris Chartered Building Surveyor.