Project No. 5:- New Build residential bungalow- Barrs Court Road, Hereford
This project involved those as necessary to provide professional services relating to a “Full Design and Implementation” package relating to a “garden plot” on which outline planning consent was already in place for a scheme of residential development to part of the client's existing garden.
The professional services provided by A.W Morris Chartered Building Surveyors included to fully design the proposed new dormer bungalow to meet the client's design brief requirements.
Following on from the detailed development scheme proposal those professional consultants services extended to collating all necessary drawings and documentation and the submission, on the client's behalf, of a full plans formal planning consent application which was subsequently approved.
Further professional services included to prepare and submit a Building Regulation Application which gained conditional approval.
Professional services relating to this project also included the preparation of schedules of works relating to all aspects of the main contract and sub contract works in respect of this new build property from which building contractors market costing for each and every construction component were then obtained on behalf of the instructing client.
With on-site works scheduled to commence in the near future A.W. Morris Chartered Building Surveyors will be retained to contract and administrate all aspects of the on-site works in progress from their commencement up to, and including, the new build practical completion.
A.W. Morris Chartered Building Surveyor will undertake periodic site inspections of the on-site construction works as they progress to ensure they comply strictly with the client's design brief, statutory approvals [Planning Consent/Building Regulations Approval etc] and in accordance with the approved design and to the appropriate standard of recommended good building practice.
Once the building has been completed a “Client's File” will be completed and handed to the client which will contain all relevant documents, certification and drawings. An insurance backed professional consultants completion certificate to cover the new build dormer bungalow will be issued to the client by A.W. Morris Chartered Building Surveyor upon its satisfactory completion.